Google Maps™ Satellite Map of Victoria, Capital, British Columbia, Canada.

GPS coordinates. latitude,longitude:

Satellite Map of Victoria provided by Google
Satellite Map of Victoria provided by BING

Area: 19.5 km²
Elevation: 23 m
Nickname: The Garden City
Motto: Semper Liber (Ever Free)
Founded: 1843 (as Fort Victoria), 1862 (as Victoria)
Demographics: Predominantly English-speaking, diverse population
Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time (PST)

  With Google Maps, navigate Victoria, the capital city of British Columbia located on the southern tip of Vancouver Island. Locate key attractions like the Butchart Gardens, the Royal BC Museum, and the historic Craigdarroch Castle. Plan your journey using the city's public transit system (BC Transit) and discover various restaurants, shops, and entertainment venues throughout Victoria.
  Google Satellite Maps is an advanced mapping service that offers users a unique window into the world's geography through stunning, high-resolution satellite imagery. This powerful tool enables users to explore the Earth's surface in intricate detail, revealing the beauty and complexity of its diverse landscapes. From the bustling streets of urban centers to the serene expanses of untouched wilderness, Google Satellite Maps provides an unparalleled view of our planet, inspiring awe and wonder in users around the globe.

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